Spectrum for Living Intermediate Care Facility COVID-19 Status Update

Spectrum for Living Intermediate Care Facility COVID-19 Status Update

All Spectrum for Living Intermediate Care Facility (“ICF”) staff and residents are regularly tested for COVID-19. Effective June 21st, 2020, in adherence to state mandate, a safety conscious program was instituted for residents and families outlining a policy of half hour, socially distanced, outdoor visits. Please review our facility’s policy, protocols and procedures for outdoor and, as and when permitted, indoor visits.

Please also stay informed on New Jersey State travel bans or advisories and Centers for Disease Control travel advisories , by knowing the updated list of states and countries whose rate of infection requires a 14-day quarantine after visiting. (See which states are on the travel advisory list AND map and travel notices)

We strongly encourage everyone everywhere to do their part by being informed and vigilant in their application of common sense recommendations advised by the New Jersey Department of Health and the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation. Your compliance helps keep our community COVID-19 free.

Spectrum for Living ICF Pandemic Policy & Procedure

Spectrum for Living ICF Covid-19 Prevention & Control Plan

Spectrum for Living ICF Visitation Guidelines

Spectrum for Living ICF Resident Visitation Policy

Spectrum for Living ICF Resident Visitor Agreement

Spectrum for Living ICF Phase Reopening Schedule

Spectrum for Living ICF Standing Order for COVID-19 Testing

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