Spectrum for Living Representatives Meet with Senator Paul Sarlo

Spectrum for Living Representatives Meet with Senator Paul Sarlo

(Pictured, from left to right, is Christopher Perry, SFL President & CEO; SFL Client Frankie Fiore and his father, SFL Trustee Francis Fiore; SFL Parent & Trustee Maureen Pallatta; Senator Paul Sarlo; SFL Parent Ruth Matarrazo; SFL Parent & Trustee Martin Semar; and SFL Parent & Endowment Board Chair Toni Semar)

Representatives from Spectrum for Living (“SFL”) had the pleasure of meeting today with Senator Paul Sarlo, Deputy Majority Leader (D. – 36th District, Bergen County). At that time, we shared with Senator Sarlo the scope and breadth of services that SFL offers its adult disabled clients at more than 28 of our specialized facilities located throughout the State of New Jersey. We also shared with the Senator our concern regarding the lack of a direct service provider wage increase for the past ten years.

We are most thankful to Senator Sarlo for hosting our visit.

©2019 Spectrum for Living

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