Celebrating 40 Years Serving People with Developmental Disabilities

Volunteer Application

    Name (required)

    Address (full address: street, city, state & zip)

    Email Address (required)

    Phone Number

    Are You 16 Years of Age or Older?


    How did You Hear About Spectrum?FriendSpectrum VolunteerStaff MemberVolunteer CenterOther

    If Other:

    Times Available: (please enter each day and hours available)

    Volunteer Experience: (please list dates, location and duties)

    Work Experience: (please list dates, location and duties)


    Name of High School/Location:

    Years Completed:

    Name of College/Location:

    Years Completed:

    Have You Ever Been Convicted of a Felony or Misdemeanor?

    If yes, please describe:

    References: (Please DO NOT List Relatives - These References Will be Contacted)

    (please enter name, number, address)

    Person to Contact in Case of Emergency: (please enter name, number, address and relationship)

    About Spectrum For Living

    Spectrum for Living is a non-profit organization dedicated to the philosophy that persons with developmental disabilities have the same rights as others to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Our programs and services support dignity, independence and encourage each person to reach their personal potential.



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