Volunteers wanted at Ringwood Spectrum for Living
Local residents with a little time to share are being sought to participate in Spectrum for Living’s “Friendly Visitors” volunteer program at the Ringwood Adult Training Center (ATC) located on Morris Road.
In particular, help is needed Monday through Friday from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. to assist developmentally disabled adults with after-lunch activities. Volunteers provide one-on-one social interaction while helping clients with arts and crafts, board games, computer activities, and gardening. Musical volunteers who can play guitar and/or conduct sing-alongs are also wanted.
Spectrum for Living operates six ATCs in Bergen, Passaic and Middlesex counties with the goal of maximizing each client’s potential with a variety of stimulating programs designed to teach and improve individual skills.
In more than 100 New Jersey communities, Spectrum for Living facilities and services touch the lives of those with developmental disabilities. As one of the state’s most recognized not-for-profit organizations, Spectrum provides a wide array of housing, medical, clinical, rehabilitative, social, and educational services to more than 200 residential consumers and hundreds of community clients.
Volunteers are an essential part of the Spectrum program as they use their skills and talents to help others and meet people with similar commitments to the community. The experience permits visitors to explore career options while working with persons with developmental disabilities. Students can gain knowledge while also satisfying community service requirements.
Those interested in volunteering or learning more can contact Marie Hacker, director of volunteers, at 201-358-8000 or mhacker@spectrumforliving.org.
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