Speak Out Now!
Please read below and make calls to your local Senate and Assembly members to support a resolution for a 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) so desperately needed after nine years of a flat budget despite dramatic increases in everyday cost of goods and services.
In addition, flood the Governor’s office with the expectation he’ll do the right thing and approve a 3% COLA upon receipt of the resolution. It’s been your support and advocacy that has gotten us this far. If we are successful, a COLA will dramatically benefit Spectrum and the services provided to your loved one.
Thank you.
Mark Michelson
The budget resolution for a 3% COLA for providers of supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities that we requested of the Senate Budget Committee Chairman, Senator Paul Sarlo, has made it to the list of main asks that the Senate will ask of Governor Christie as the final budget is crafted! Senator Sarlo has been very supportive of this resolution. Senator Bucco, the minority lead Senator on the Senate Budget Committee has also supported the resolution. We are attempting to find out where the resolution stands in the Assembly list. Assemblyman Raj Mukherji was the sponsor of that resolution.
Our work is not done! It is important that you, your staff, your self-advocates, and your families contact your local assembly and senate members to ask them to support the resolution. It is also time to contact the governor’s office to tell him that this additional money is necessary, especially in light of the new Federal DOL Overtime exemption rule and in light of the legislature’s intention to raise the minimum wage.
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